Jim Wand Tribute

Legendary Stage Hypnotist
Jim Wand

On August the 8th, 2022 we lost one of the “GOAT’s” owner and performer Jim Wand. Jim was the founder and owner of Wand Enterprises, The Hypnosis Agency representing hypnotists, mentalists, ventriloquists, comedians, and magicians. He had been involved in the field of hypnosis for over 30 years. Jim Wand had a BS in Psychology, an MS in Counseling, and a Doctorate in Philosophy.  He had over 12,000 professional engagements to his credit and was considered to truly be one of the top hypnotic entertainers in the world today. He performed in every state and 10 foreign countries, many on multiple occasions.  He was also considered an expert in the field of personal and group motivation.

Besides his entertainment background, he operated a very successful hypnosis practice for 8 years employing 3 full-time hypnotists besides himself. He will be greatly missed by everyone. It was Jim’s wish to have his Agency continue – he has hand-picked every performer that works for Wand so that you can be guaranteed a quality show. We are sure that Jim is up there in heaven performing and making people laugh and smile just liked he did down here on earth. He will be missed greatly by everyone, he impacted a lot of lives. But here at Wand we will continue to give you a quality performance, just like Jim did when he was here on earth.
Kenda Wand.

Kenda and Jim Wand


The years we were together
Sharing fun and laughter at the shows
Memories created along the way
In the hypnotic life we chose

Our journey taught me so much
And now that you are gone
Your words ring loudly in my ears
“Remember Kenda, The show must go on!”

As each day dawns I miss you
We were the greatest team
Our careers became our passion
We lived a perfect dream

The legacy that you have left
Around the US and beyond
Respected by so many
Lives on in the name of Wand

Author: Hazel Prosser

Legendary Stage Hypnotist Jim Wand
Takes His Final Bow

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